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Richard Stott BA Hons Dip Arch (Oxford) ARB RIBA


Richard Stott is a fully qualified Architect and member of the Royal Institute of British Architects with over 20 years of experience in the business.  He is passionate about creating great places to live and work in and seeks to offer a bespoke design service that responds to his clients’ requirements while being sensitive to the site’s surroundings.


Over the last 20 years Richard has specialized in the high end retail, residential and commercial sectors designing for both large multi-national organizations and individual clients.


Richard’s core skills are seeing the potential in existing sites and buildings and then maximizing their potential for his clients benefit through thoughtful, buildable designs, that creates usable space and/or that adds additional space or units that had not previously been explored.


When he is not working, Richard is a keen golfer, enjoys pottering in the garden, walking Annie the dog, and has recently taken up beekeeping.

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